Stories in Green

About the Program

The Lone Soldier Center is partnering with the World Zionist Organization – ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית to host a fully subsidized 10 part seminar in the art and utility of public speaking and storytelling. Once successfully graduated, the participants will be given the opportunity to lecture for pay at schools, offices, and organization events.

Stories in Green has two goals.
(a) The development of your public speaking and storytelling skills as a veteran lone soldier, and (b) to bridge the gap in knowledge the Israeli communities have of the life and communities of Jews around the globe. We all differ in so many ways but come together around the love of this country.

We are looking for you, lone soldiers from Jewish communities around the world, for super professional training in storytelling, who will give you both amazing tools for life and the opportunity for paid lectures in schools and communities.
Registration is taking place

For more information, fill out the Google Form

and speak with Ike at

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