Sophie Dubitsky

I decided to join Modern Pioneers because I believe that in todays day in age there is an equal importance in physically fighting to protect the State of Israel as there is to protect the State over social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok are used to spread false information about Israel and as an Olah, it is my duty to make sure that the truth is out there.


I am excited to be a part of a program in which I share a vision in breaking down the myths and sharing the reality in how Israel has contributed to the world in areas including agriculture, medicine, and technology.

Photo by Jonathan Geva

The Modern Pioneers program has introduced me to speakers, who each in their own way, protect and defend the State of Israel, and I have learned so much from them. I have learned how to properly defend Israel in the media, and how to create posts or clips that will grab people’s attention in order to spread the truth.

I truly believe that as a former lone soldier I have a lot to contribute to combating anti-Semitism around the world. Lone soldiers decide to leave their home, their culture, their friends, and family to draft to a foreign army and protect Israel. There is a story that each lone soldier can share about why Israel is their home, and with that story, a light can be shown onto the world about the truth about the Israel.


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